Ever-increasing Fruitfulness
During a recent bout with discouragement, I got to wondering why I never seem to “arrive” at my calling in life. I run toward the picture I have of it but, just as I feel like I’m getting there, its …
Who is God and how can we connect with Him?
During a recent bout with discouragement, I got to wondering why I never seem to “arrive” at my calling in life. I run toward the picture I have of it but, just as I feel like I’m getting there, its …
Rivers (even those known to be mighty) begin with more of a burble than a bang. What begins with spurts and drizzles at its source, however, becomes a torrent downstream. Take the mighty Columbia, for example. It starts as a …
While we consider the significance of the bread and cup, it’s important to remember the communal aspect of communion. Just as with natural food, digestion improves when our meal takes place around a family table. If sharing bread and wine …
Jesus compared Himself to bread at the Last Supper—“Take, eat; this is my body”[1]—but that wasn’t the first time He’d done so. When He fed the five thousand in John 6 He made a similar statement. “I am the living …