All Things New
Once upon a time, there was an egg, a single cell, an ovum of a human being. She had all the essential components of life, yet it was not enough to make her a whole person. Then came another cell—tickling, …
Who is God and how can we connect with Him?
Once upon a time, there was an egg, a single cell, an ovum of a human being. She had all the essential components of life, yet it was not enough to make her a whole person. Then came another cell—tickling, …
He was soaked to the bone. The rain had been pelting him for the past twenty-four hours, as he’d pushed his way through the underbrush. He’d been following this runaway wife of his for three years now. Guarding. Hoping. Waiting. …
by Andy Lee Her voice has blessed my ear and my heart every week for fifteen years. Some years we’ve talked more often than others, years when we desperately needed someone to hold our heart and carry us to the …
I like a nice clear finish line that tells me I have “arrived” someplace. Unfortunately, life doesn’t send up balloons and shoot off fireworks to mark graduation from some faith lesson. There’s often no delightful moment of pause for enjoying …
If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me (Matthew 16:24 NKJV). Have you ever wondered just what Jesus meant by taking up our cross? I’ve heard some people talk …