Parables of the Kingdom
If you’ve ever wondered what Scripture is talking about when it mentions “the kingdom of God”, studying the parables of the kingdom is a good place to start.
Who is God and how can we connect with Him?
If you’ve ever wondered what Scripture is talking about when it mentions “the kingdom of God”, studying the parables of the kingdom is a good place to start.
What is the meaning of redemption? It may surprise you to discover all it encompasses and just how far the Lord is willing to go.
What was so bad about that second tree in the garden? And how can our bad choice be reversed?
Does the language in Proverbs 31 actually imply something different than we thought? Join my guest blogger, Lauren Crews, as she takes us deeper.
If you’ve been wanting a fresh way to understand the New Testament, check out Chad Bird’s book, The Christ Key. Then follow a discussion about it on YouTube.