Becoming a Writer, One Step at a Time

by Jennifer Lindsay

steps climbing into the woods
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Je 29:11 NIV).

My one-year-old nephew has been determined to walk since he was about six months old. He was so set on walking, in fact, he initially refused to crawl. This resulted in a lot of tears, but once he figured out crawling got him around faster than crying, everyone took a collective sigh of relief.

I can’t help but think how much of our writing journey is the same. When we first start writing, we picture ourselves signing a major book contract right out of the gate. We envision where we ultimately hope to be and become so fixated on that mental picture we forget to look at where we’re supposed to be right now, in this moment.

The truth is, a writing career takes time and effort to build. But, as we learn to adjust our goals and develop new skills, we discover that each wobbly step becomes easier and a bit stronger than the last.

Yes, there will be tears. But, like my nephew’s parents, God is more concerned in my long-term development than He is with my instant success. He knows what I’m ready for now and what I’ll eventually be capable of accomplishing.

And He knows what steps it will take for me to go from here to there.

It’s taken me a while, but I’ve finally come to a place where I recognize if I am going to step into my calling as a writer, I need to trust that the One who called me will also lead me in the direction I should go.

He’ll do the same for you.

If you’re struggling with where you are right now as a writer, I encourage you to seek out the Lord’s direction. Write out your prayers. Keep them where you can easily refer back to them. Chances are, you’ll look back someday and discover that the vision you’d built up in your mind actually pales in comparison to the plan God already has in place for you.

God’s good at surprising us that way.

A Writer’s Prayer


I trust You, but sometimes it’s difficult. I believe You have given me a specific gift to use, and my desire is to use it for Your glory. I’m struggling, though, because Your timing is so different from mine. As soon as I think I’ve got everything all figured out, rejections and delays come and I wonder what went wrong.

I know it’s natural to question “why?” and want to quit when things don’t go according to my plan. Give me the strength to continue forward during seasons of hardship and heartache. Help me trust that You’ll show me the opportunities where the gifts You’ve given me can be used for the most good. And help me to follow you into them, especially when they don’t look the way I thought they would.

Signed, An Impatient Apprentice

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Terry is a writer and speaker who loves gathering clues about God from His Word and creation. She wants to help God’s people grow in wonder, appreciation and understanding of Him. She loves finding fresh ways to approach Scripture so we all expand our ability to both apply and share what we’ve learned.