God said, “Write.” Now What?

puppet looking upset

Have you felt God nudge you to get your testimony or teaching in writing? What have you done about it so far? Stored His request high in a dark closet where you don’t have to look at it? Tucked it into a drawer intending to get to it when you have time? Tossed the ridiculous notion into a trash bin only to find someone’s put it back on your desk when you weren’t looking?

If you’re stuck in a perpetual state of terrified procrastination, read on. This will be the first of a series of blogs I hope will help you take one more step toward answering God’s call.

But I’m not a writer

If you don’t see yourself as a writer, take heart. God loves dreaming bigger than we do. We compare ourselves to the size of His plans and immediately feel inadequate. Often it’s because we think like single members while God thinks like a whole body. He’ll never, for example, send a hand to do a job without the supporting strength of an arm, a shoulder and all the nerves and muscles holding them together.

Consider the possibility, then, that God has positioned help nearby. He may have planted the story in you but placed the pen in someone else’s hands.

Look for a scribe

How do you find that kind of help?

Start by talking to others about your message. Speaking helps us take ownership of our visions and breathes life into them. It makes them real and builds our faith in God’s ability to bring them to pass.

As you share, observe your listeners. Writers often rise to the surface where powerful stories are told. Look for one whose response indicates he or she shares your vision.

Are their eyes glistening as you spin your tale? Do they keep asking for details? Can you detect a bit of spittle forming at the corner of their mouth as they salivate in anticipation? (sorry—couldn’t help myself with that one) These just might be signs God is tapping them on the shoulder. Allow God to guide your conversation and see if a spirit of collaboration develops.

Be Patient

I know. You really didn’t want to see that heading. Your scribe, however, needs time to hear from God as much as you. Confirmation isn’t always instantaneous.

In my case, I was gripped by a friend’s testimony for a couple of years as we spent time getting to know each other. When she started telling me God was urging her to write her story down, I found myself yearning to get involved. I needed time to make sure God wasn’t asking her to hold her own pen, however. I didn’t want to act presumptuously.

The itch finally got the better of me. I took a chance and picked up the phone. “Now, don’t feel like you have to say yes just because we’re friends,” I told her. “Really, I won’t be offended if you say no, but…but…would you like me to help you write your story?”

Well, there was a lot of shouting and dancing at the other end of the call as she told me this was exactly what she’d been praying for. It took a few more years of hard work, but in 1996, Free Indeed: One Woman’s Victory Over Lesbianism was published. It has since traveled the world and blessed many people.

So, start talking your project up and see who God connects you with. “But,” you may ask, “what if no one rises to the bait?” Well then, God may just want you to be your own scribe.

Now, don’t panic. I’ll address that in my next post. 

Meanwhile, think of some questions you might want me to address in this series and leave them in the comment box below.

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Terry is a writer and speaker who loves gathering clues about God from His Word and creation. She wants to help God’s people grow in wonder, appreciation and understanding of Him. She loves finding fresh ways to approach Scripture so we all expand our ability to both apply and share what we’ve learned.